Provinz Mekka
Islamische Geschichte

Jannat Al-Mu'alla Friedhof - Mekka

Jannatul Mualla, Al Masjid Al Haram Road, Mekka Saudi-Arabien
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Standort und Geschichte

Etwa einen Kilometer nördlich von Al Masjid Al Haram liegt der riesige, ummauerte Friedhof, der als Jannah al Mu'allah bekannt ist. Der Begriff „Jannah al Mu'alla“ bedeutet „das erhabenste Paradies“ und ist auch als „Friedhof von Mu'alla“ oder „Al Hajun“ bekannt. Diese Stätte ist für Muslime historisch wichtig, da hier viele der Vorfahren und Verwandten des Propheten Mohammed begraben sind.


Über die bekannten Gräber wurden im Laufe der Jahre viele Kuppeln und Bauwerke gebaut. Im Jahr 1925 wurden viele historische Sehenswürdigkeiten in der Gegend vom damaligen saudischen König Ibn Saud abgerissen, darunter auch dieser Friedhof. Aus diesem Grund sind keine Originalgräber oder Grabsteine erhalten. Die Gräber sind heute durch kleine Steinhaufen gekennzeichnet. Da es keine unterscheidbaren Grabsteine gibt, zollen die Menschen heute dem gesamten Gebiet Respekt. Die Seite hat das ganze Jahr über freien Zugang.

Prominente Gräber in Jannat al Mua'alla

Viele Menschen, die integraler Bestandteil der Grundlage des Islam sind und dem Propheten (PBUH) nahe stehen, sind hier begraben. Hazrat Aminah, Hazrat Khadija, Hazrat Qasim und Abdullah, Abdul Mutlib und Abu Talib, die Mutter, Ehefrau, Söhne, Großvater und Onkel liegen alle an dieser gesegneten Ruhestätte.

Historische Seite
Islamische Geschichte


Jannatul Mualla, Al Masjid Al Haram Road, Mekka Saudi-Arabien

Restaurants in der Nähe

Sehr gut (39 Bewertungen)
Sehr gut (15 Bewertungen)
Mazaj Café - Le Meridien Hotel - Mekka
Mekka (1.6Kilometer entfernt)
Gut (41 Bewertungen)
Rand Restaurant - Le Meridien Hotel - Mekka
Mekka (1.6Kilometer entfernt)
Nicht bewertet (0 Bewertung)
Atrium Café - Jabal Omar Marriott Hotel - Mekka
Mekka (1.6Kilometer entfernt)
Gut (51 Bewertungen)
Sehr gut (5 Bewertungen)
Sahtein Restaurant - Hilton Makkah Tagungshotel
Mekka (1.6Kilometer entfernt)
Sehr gut (23 Bewertungen)
Mama Bunz Café - Mekka
Mekka (1.6Kilometer entfernt)
Gut (51 Bewertungen)


von 25 Bewertungen
Sehr gut
Customer service
Value for money
Mustafa Rangoonwala

Mustafa Rangoonwala

05/28/2024 13:43


#### Jannatul Maala Cemetery (Al-Ma'la Cemetery) ★★★★★ Jannatul Maala, also known as Al-Ma'la Cemetery, is a deeply revered historical and religious site located in the heart of Makkah, Saudi Arabia. This sacred cemetery holds immense significance for Muslims worldwide, as it is the final resting place of several prominent figures from the early days of Islam. Situated approximately 1.3 kilometers north of the Masjid al-Haram, it is easily accessible for pilgrims and visitors. **Historical Significance:** Jannatul Maala is renowned for its historical importance. Among the notable individuals buried here are Khadijah bint Khuwaylid, the first wife of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the first person to embrace Islam. Her unwavering support for the Prophet during the early days of Islam is deeply cherished by Muslims. Additionally, the cemetery is the resting place of Abdul Muttalib, the Prophet's grandfather, and Abu Talib, his uncle, who played crucial roles in protecting and supporting the Prophet. **Atmosphere and Layout:** The cemetery's layout is modest and unadorned, in line with Islamic principles that emphasize humility and equality in death. The graves are marked by simple stones, and the pathways are well-maintained, allowing visitors to walk through with ease. The serene and solemn atmosphere invites reflection and prayer, making it a place of profound spiritual connection. **Visiting Experience:** Visiting Jannatul Maala is a moving experience for many Muslims. The site is open throughout the year and is particularly busy during the Hajj and Umrah seasons. Visitors are encouraged to approach with respect and maintain a quiet demeanor. Modest dress is required, reflecting the sacred nature of the site. Photography is generally discouraged to preserve the sanctity of the cemetery. **Accessibility:** Jannatul Maala is conveniently located near the main roads of Makkah, and several transportation options are available to reach the site. The cemetery's pathways are accessible, but the terrain can be challenging for those with mobility issues. It is advisable to visit early in the morning or late in the afternoon to avoid the heat. **Preservation:** The cemetery is well-preserved by the Saudi authorities, who ensure it remains clean and respectful. The simplicity of the graves is maintained, reflecting the humility and equality central to Islamic teachings. Efforts are made to educate visitors about the historical and religious significance of the site through information boards and guides. **Spiritual Reflection:** For many, Jannatul Maala is not just a cemetery but a place of deep spiritual reflection. Standing by the graves of some of Islam’s earliest and most significant figures provides a tangible connection to the history and heritage of the faith. It is a place where pilgrims can offer prayers, reflect on their faith, and draw inspiration from the lives of those who helped shape the early Muslim community. **Conclusion:** Jannatul Maala is a must-visit for any Muslim traveling to Makkah. Its profound historical significance and the serene, reflective atmosphere make it an essential part of understanding and connecting with Islamic history. Whether you are there to pay respects, seek spiritual solace, or simply reflect on the humble beginnings of Islam, Jannatul Maala offers a deeply enriching experience. **Tips for Visitors:** - **Preparation**: Be prepared for the weather, as Makkah can get extremely hot. Wear comfortable and modest clothing. - **Respect**: Maintain a respectful and quiet demeanor while visiting. This is a sacred site for many. - **Guide**: Consider hiring a local guide to provide historical context and enhance your visit. - **Timing**: Visit early in the morning or late in the afternoon to avoid peak heat and crowds. Overall, Jannatul Maala is a poignant reminder of the rich history and enduring legacy of Islam, making it a site of pilgrimage and reverence for millions of Muslims around the world.
Ibrahim Razvi

Ibrahim Razvi

01/05/2024 00:32


It’s the place where Hazrat Khatija AS is buried. Well maintained with entrance from south corner only as per my knowledge. Only men can go in.
Niamat Babu

Niamat Babu

12/07/2023 11:29


Jannat Al Muallaa has it's glorious and rich importance in the history islam. In this holy place in Makkah there are many Sahabah and our prophet Muhammad SAW's first wife Bibi Khadija RA were buried. If any pilgrims dies during Hajj and Umrah usually bury in this holy place.
Abdul Rehman

Abdul Rehman

09/23/2023 18:31


One of the oldest cemetery Many of Muhammad's relatives were buried in this cemetery before his Hijrah in 622. Historical figures buried here include: Abu Talib ibn Abdul-Muttalib, uncle of Muhammad and father of Ali Abd Manaf, great-great-grandfather of Muhammad Abdul Mutallib, grandfather of Muhammad Khadija, wife of Muhammad


06/25/2023 03:15


SubhanALLAH what a beautiful place May ALLAH (ﷻ) grant them Jannatul Firdawus who were buried there
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