Province de Médine
histoire islamique

Puits de Bir Al Shifa - Province de Médine - بئر الشفاء


La description

Le puits Bir Al Shifa, également connu sous le nom de (Beer Al-Shifa) est un puits célèbre dans l'histoire islamique. Il est situé à environ 1 heure de route de la ville bénie de Médine. Il a rapporté que ce puits avait été creusé à l'origine pour aider les pèlerins musulmans qui voyageaient pour le Hajj et la Ummrah et avaient besoin d'eau pendant leur voyage.

Cependant, son eau était amère et salée et rendait souvent les gens malades. Il est rapporté que le Saint Prophète Muhammad, la paix et les bénédictions de Dieu soient sur lui, a été informé de l'amertume et de la nature malsaine de l'eau. Il a placé sa salive bénie dans l'eau après quoi la nature de l'eau est devenue douce et saine par la permission de Dieu. Aujourd'hui, les visiteurs peuvent encore visiter ce puits situé à l'écart de la route principale et goûter par eux-mêmes à la douceur de cette eau. Vous pourriez également être intéressé par la visite du puits Ghars et du puits Ethiq , tous deux situés à Médine.

Type de destination
Site historique
Histoire islamique


Bière Al-Shifa Arabie Saoudite


de 81 avis
Très bien
Customer service
Value for money
Afzal Ameen Arain

Afzal Ameen Arain

12/29/2019 17:57

Avis Google

Good place for visitors
creator eye

creator eye

12/13/2018 09:56

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A historic land mark in Islamic history i personally visit this place
Noor Allaah

Noor Allaah

08/14/2017 13:50

Avis Google

Palace of Urwah is a tourist attraction holding historical significance. As per historians, Rasoolullaah صلى الله عليه و سلم gifted a piece of land to Bilal bin Harith رضي الله عنهto do cultivation. Later during khilafah of Ameerul Muemineen Umar bin Khatab رضي الله عنه, he summoned Bilal and told him to cultivate in that land what he could and the rest shall be distributed to other people. Accordingly, portion of that land which Bilal could not develop was sold to Khawwat bin Jubair al Ansari رضي الله عنه. Later in 41 hijri Urwah رضي الله عنه purchased piece of that land from Khawwat رضي الله عنه. He cultivated in it, dug a well and constructed a big house in it. The house is still intact after almost fourteen centuries passed. Urwah رضي الله عنه is son of Abdullaah bin Zubair bin Awwam and Asmaa binth Aboobacker رضي الله عنهم اجمعين. He used to learn from his Aunt, Ummul Moomineen A'isha al Siddiqa رضي الله عنها teachings of our beloved Rasoolullaah صلى الله عليه و سلم. Once Urwah رضي الله عنه invited A'isha رضي الله عنهاto this house and arranged a feast with some fine quality bread. Aysha رضي الله عنهاwept seeing it and told that, during her life with the leader of all creatures Rasoolullaah صلى الله عليه و سلم, she never tasted such quality bread.  سبحان الله‎‎… What a simple life you led oh Rasoolullaah! Mountains were ready to present to You by transforming themselves as gold but You refused and opted a super simple lifestyle! Allahumma Salli wa Sallim wa Barik Alika ya Sayyidee ya Qurratha Ainee ya Rasoolullaah (اللهم صل و سلم و بارك عليك يا سيدي يا قرة عيني يا رسول الله).
Ishaq Bukhari

Ishaq Bukhari

07/03/2017 09:10

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Adjacent to Pakistan House, has own pharmacy. Went to see ENT Specialist due to nose bleeding, had a good experience. Arab but quick reception, clean environment and Pakistani, qualified doctors with latest equipment. 24/7 and have ambulance service. Might be little expensive but it's worth it due to the quality of treatment.
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Des questions

Nazeek 1 questions

05/26/2024 12:52

Has this well recently reopened to the public, or is it still closed due to construction work? Has anyone visited it recently?
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