Province de Médine
Histoire islamique

Mosquée Al Ghamama - Médine


La description

Masjid Al-Ghamama est l'une des plus anciennes mosquées de Médine, en Arabie saoudite, et l'un des vestiges historiques de la ville.

Importance en Islam

La mosquée serait située à l'endroit où le Prophète (PSL) a offert des prières de l'Aïd au cours des quatre dernières années de sa vie. Il est également rapporté qu'il a une fois offert Salatul-Istasqa à ce moment-là alors que la ville de Médine faisait face à une pénurie de pluie. Cela a donné à la mosquée son nom « Ghamamah », qui signifie nuage. Certaines sources affirment que c'est aussi l'endroit où le Prophète (PSL) a exécuté la prière funéraire de Najashi, l'empereur d'Axoum en Éthiopie.

Emplacement et structure

La mosquée est située à 500 mètres à l'ouest de Masjid An-Nabawi, et jusqu'à récemment, elle est restée fermée pour les prières quotidiennes. La mosquée est désormais ouverte aux fidèles qui viennent prier cinq fois par jour. Un système de sonorisation interne a été conçu afin d'éviter le choc des sons de Masjid an-Nabawi.

La mosquée a une forme rectangulaire et est divisée en deux parties; la porte d'entrée et la salle de prière. L'extérieur de la mosquée est entouré de magnifiques palmiers. La mosquée a conservé une grande partie de son aspect de l'ère ottomane lorsqu'elle a été rénovée la dernière fois. Les visiteurs trouveront que l'architecture de la mosquée a une touche légèrement traditionnelle par rapport aux autres mosquées de la région qui ont un look plus contemporain. On voit souvent des pigeons affluer dans la cour de la mosquée, les visiteurs les nourrissant. La nuit, lorsque la mosquée s'illumine, sa beauté est rehaussée par des dômes ressemblant à des orbes brillants.

Type de destination
Site historique
Histoire islamique


Masjid Al Ghamamah, Médine Arabie Saoudite

Restaurants à proximité

Café - Taiba Madinah Hotel
Médine (0.1kilomètres)
Très bien (57 Avis)
Restaurant Al Salam Movenpick - Médine
Médine (0.6kilomètres)
Bon (17 Avis)
Très bien (29 Avis)
Bon (34 Avis)
Bon (44 Avis)
Très bien (21 Avis)
Najd Cafe - Hôtel Hilton - Médine
Médine (0.8kilomètres)
Bon (12 Avis)
Très bien (42 Avis)


de 50 avis
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Value for money
Tanzeel Khan

Tanzeel Khan

02/07/2024 13:43

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Masjid al-Ghamamah, also known as the "Mosque of the Clouds," is located in Madinah. It holds historical significance as it is associated with an event where the Prophet Muhammad performed the Eid prayer during a rainfall. The mosque's name, meaning "mosque of the clouds," stems from this incident. Historically, it has served as a place for various religious and community gatherings. The mosque is situated in the Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah region and is part of the broader cultural and religious heritage of Madinah. As for facilities, Masjid al-Ghamamah provides a place for worship and gatherings. Mosques in general offer prayer areas, ablution facilities, and open spaces for congregational prayers and events. For specific details about the facilities at Masjid al-Ghamamah, you may want to check with local sources or official websites for updated and accurate information.
afnan soomro

afnan soomro

01/21/2024 18:09

Avis Google

One pf the oldest mosques in madinah. Have a small area of prayer for both men and women. It is rarely opened for visitors. Very near to masjid al nabawi, just straight from gate 309 and 310. You will also find zam zam water at these gates.
Md Golam Kibria

Md Golam Kibria

01/13/2024 19:25

Avis Google

Mosque of Al-Ghamamah (Arabic: مسجد الغمامة) is one of the oldest mosques in Medina, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It is located south west of Masjid  Nabawi and also bear toMasjid Nabawi gate no 310/311 Madinah, KSA. Prophet Mohammed (SAW) prayed eid-ul fitr and eid-ul Adha there. Prophet Mohammed (SAW) also prayed salat ul-Istasqa for rain. SubhanAllah afterwards it did rain. Supplicants and tourists are trying to visit it and pray two rakat “Tahiyatul masjid'' salat.The mosque is one of the historical relics of Medina. I paid to visit it on 05 January 2024 at evening and prayed two rakat Tahiyatul masjid salat. It is open at 10:00 hours and closed at 00:00 hours regularly.
Abdullah Al Mamun

Abdullah Al Mamun

12/13/2023 11:26

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The Masjid Al Ghamamah is located near the Masjid an Nabawi. Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) prayed the two Eids prayers and also prayers for rain.
Zeeshan Alam

Zeeshan Alam

12/09/2023 09:49

Avis Google

Masjid Al-Ghamama, also known as the Masjid of the Clouds, is located in Madinah, Saudi Arabia. It holds historical significance as it marks the location where the Prophet Muhammad performed the Eid prayer, particularly Eid al-Fitr, during his lifetime. The Masjid's name "Al-Ghamama" refers to the cloud ('ghamam' in Arabic) that is said to have provided shade during the Prophet's prayer. The Masjid is situated near the Masjid an-Nabawi (Prophet's Masjid) and is relatively small compared to it. While not as expansive or well-known as the Prophet's Masjid, Masjid Al-Ghamama is still visited by pilgrims and tourists due to its historical importance in Islamic tradition.
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10/03/2023 00:10

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