Province de Médine
Histoire islamique

Cimetière Jannatul Baqi - Médine

Cimetière Jannatul Baqi, مشاة، Médine Arabie Saoudite
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La description

Emplacement et histoire

Située au sud-est de Masjid al Nabwi, la mosquée du Prophète, à Médine dans la région de Hejazi en Arabie saoudite, se trouve Jannat al Baqi, également connu sous le nom de Baqi al Gharqad. Il a été nommé ainsi parce que le principal type d'arbre qui poussait dans cette région était l'al Gharqad, plus communément appelé buis d'Arabie ou épine du désert. Ce cimetière est le plus ancien et le premier cimetière islamique de la ville de Médine.

Parmi les deux cimetières historiquement importants et sacrés pour les musulmans, Jannat al Baqi est l'un d'entre eux. C'est parce que de nombreux parents et compagnons du Prophète Muhammad (PSL) sont enterrés ici. De nombreux récits déclarent qu'à cause de cela, le Prophète disait une prière à chaque fois qu'il passait devant ce site, ce qui en fait quelque chose que les musulmans se chargent de faire également.


Le cimetière est assez grand et abrite au moins 10 000 compagnons du Saint Prophète, bien qu'ils ne soient pas marqués et ne puissent plus être distingués. À l'origine, il ne mesurait que 80 mètres carrés, il s'est agrandi au fil des ans et occupe désormais une superficie de 175 000 mètres carrés.

Le cimetière a trois entrées sur les côtés nord, est et ouest, la principale étant du côté ouest.

Tombes importantes à Jannat al Baqi

Les tombes importantes à Jannat al Baqi, qui sont historiquement et religieusement sacrées pour les musulmans, comprennent celle des Ahlul Bayt, la famille du Prophète (PSL), y compris le petit-fils, les filles, l'oncle, les épouses et les cousins du Prophète.

Type de destination
Site historique
Histoire islamique


Cimetière Jannatul Baqi, مشاة، Médine Arabie Saoudite

Restaurants à proximité

Bon (29 Avis)
Bon (11 Avis)
The Tea House - Hôtel Oberoi - Médine
Médine (0.5kilomètres)
Bon (19 Avis)
Très bien (21 Avis)
Bon (44 Avis)
Bon (25 Avis)
Najd Cafe - Hôtel Hilton - Médine
Médine (0.6kilomètres)
Bon (12 Avis)
Très bien (42 Avis)


de 67 avis
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Abdurahman Solomon

Abdurahman Solomon

01/27/2023 16:56

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Historical grave yard in Madinah, it boasts having the grave of 10000 companions of the prophet peace be upon him It is highly regarded in Islam and used to this day When you die in Madinah you would be buried here


01/10/2023 12:26

Avis Google

Jannat al-Baqi is the most established and the main Islamic burial ground of Medina in the Hejazi district of present-day Saudi Arabia. It is situated toward the southeast of the Prophet's Mosque, which contains the graves of a portion of the Islamic prophet Muhammad's loved ones. It is otherwise called Baqi al-Gharqad. At the point when Muhammad showed up at Medina from Mecca in September 622 CE, al-Baqi' was a land covered with Lycium shawii boxthorn trees. As indicated by authentic records, after the appearance of Muhammad, the places of Medina created close to al-Baqi', which was thusly thought to be as the public burial chamber. The thorn development was cleared and the spot blessed to be the future graveyard of the Muslims who kicked the bucket at al-Madina.Additionally al-Baqi' was presented as some place whose east side is Nakhl and west side contains houses. Truth be told, before destruction al-Baqi' was situated behind the houses in the city. During the development of the Prophet's Mosque, on the site he bought from two vagrant kids when he showed up after his relocation from Mecca to Medina, As'ad ibn Zurarah, one of Muhammad's mates passed on. Muhammad picked the spot to be a graveyard and As'ad was the primary person to be covered in al-Baqi' among the Ansar. While Muhammad was outside Medina for the Clash of Badr, his girl Ruqayyah fell debilitated and kicked the bucket in 624. She was covered in al-Baqi'. She was the principal individual from Ahl al-Bayt Family of Muhammad covered in this cemeter انا للّٰہ وانا الیہ راجعون "Verily we have a place with God, and verily to Him do we return." It advises us that their demise has been announced by Allah, and we will all re-visitation of our maker.May Allah envelope your cherished one in benevolence and absolution. Ameen. Graves are to remind individuals that they generally go in there.May Allah favor the people who are covered in their graves.May Allah favor us all in our lives and when we bite the dust and are in our graves.On the off chance that you are coming to Madinah,visit the Baqi Cemetery,The timings are after Fajar and after Asr.


12/20/2022 22:25

Avis Google

+The cemetery is tidy and regular, and the graves are tidy and regular.?? +There are no decorations on the graves, luxury features, or anything contrary to the Sunnah or Islam.?? +There are no names on the graves, and this contributes a little to the non-sanctification of graves.?? +The tomb of our master Othman bin Affan and Ibrahim, son of the Prophet Muhammad, is known. It is nice that they and others are preserved and known for about 1000 years.?? +There are security men to regulate entry and exit, and to prevent anyone from performing improper acts of reverence.?? -It would be better if there were small identification boards at the graves of the well-known, with names mentioned.??
omar mk

omar mk

12/20/2022 22:25

Avis Google

+The cemetery is tidy and regular, and the graves are tidy and regular.?? +There are no decorations on the graves, luxury features, or anything contrary to the Sunnah or Islam.?? +There are no names on the graves, and this contributes a little to the non-sanctification of graves.?? +The tomb of our master Othman bin Affan and Ibrahim, son of the Prophet Muhammad, is known. It is nice that they and others are preserved and known for about 1000 years.?? +There are security men to regulate entry and exit, and to prevent anyone from performing improper acts of reverence.?? -It would be better if there were small identification boards at the graves of the well-known, with names mentioned.??


12/20/2022 22:25

Avis Google

+The cemetery is tidy and regular, and the graves are tidy and regular.?? +There are no decorations on the graves, luxury features, or anything contrary to the Sunnah or Islam.?? +There are no names on the graves, and this contributes a little to the non-sanctification of graves.?? +The tomb of our master Othman bin Affan and Ibrahim, son of the Prophet Muhammad, is known. It is nice that they and others are preserved and known for about 1000 years.?? +There are security men to regulate entry and exit, and to prevent anyone from performing improper acts of reverence.?? -It would be better if there were small identification boards at the graves of the well-known, with names mentioned.??
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asma yousaf 1 questions

02/21/2023 15:24

Can women visit Jannatul Baqi Cemetry?
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