Провинция Медина
история ислама

Масджид Куба - Медина

Масджид Кубаа, Аль-Хиджра Роуд, Медина, Саудовская Аравия
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Масджид Куба расположена на окраине Медины и является одной из старейших мечетей в мире, поскольку она была построена в 7 веке. Он считается одним из самых святых мест для мусульман всего мира.

Важность в исламе

Мечеть Губа занимает важное место в истории ислама и также упоминается в Священном Коране как мечеть, построенная на «благочестии». Это также было место, где Пророк Мухаммед, мир и благословение Аллаха Ему (мир ему и благословение) и его сподвижник Абу Бакр (РА) впервые остановились после переселения в Медину. Более того, считается, что первые камни мечети были заложены самим Пророком Мухаммадом (мир ему и благословение), когда он приехал в Медину.

Рассказал Ибн Умар: «Пророк (мир ему и благословение) ходил в мечеть Кубы (иногда) пешком, а иногда верхом». Нафи добавил (в другом повествовании): «Тогда он совершал два ракаата (в мечети Кубы)». [Сахих Аль-Бухари]

Пророк (мир ему и благословение) сказал: «Тот, кто очистится в своем доме и придет в мечеть Куба и совершит в ней два ракаата, будет вознагражден умрой (малым паломничеством)». [Сунан ибн Маджа]


С момента постройки мечеть претерпела множество реконструкций при многих халифах, а затем и при самом правительстве Саудовской Аравии. Алебастровая конструкция из белого мрамора выглядит современно и в то же время просто. Мечеть характеризуется шестью куполами и четырьмя минаретами.

Центральный двор окружает большой молитвенный зал, состоящий из черного, белого и красного мрамора. Во двор есть несколько входов, среди которых северная часть отведена под женскую молитвенную зону. Мечеть может вместить более 20 тысяч молящихся одновременно. Теперь он должен быть снова расширен до гораздо большего размера, чтобы вместить больше верующих со всего мира, иншаАллах.

Масджид Куба находится в 10 минутах езды от отеля Al-Masjid an-Nabawi. Тем не менее, теперь есть новая специально построенная дорожка от Аль-Масджид Ан-Набави до Масджид-Куба, которая занимает примерно 40-45 минут пешком. Отправной точкой со стороны Аль-Масджид-ан-Набави является новый пешеходный парк Губа.

Тип назначения
Исторический сайт
Исламская история

Место расположения

Масджид Кубаа, Аль-Хиджра Роуд, Медина, Саудовская Аравия

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Imran Shahid

Imran Shahid

08/27/2023 08:25

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Masjid Al-Quba was the first mosque built by Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H) and was located originally on this site. The new mosque has a generic modern design that is similar to all other mosques. The old historic structure has been completely demolished and a new modern structure has been built on the same site, destroying the history and significance of the mosque.
Haider Ali

Haider Ali

08/21/2023 10:55

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Masjid Quba (Arabic: مسجد قباء) is where the Prophet (ﷺ), accompanied by Abu Bakr (رضي الله عنه), first stayed in Madinah after emigrating from Makkah. They arrived on Monday 12th Rab’i al-Awwal, fourteen years after Prophethood and this date marks the beginning of the Islamic calendar (Hijra), (16th July 622 CE). A mosque was established here by the Prophet (ﷺ), the first to be built in Islam. The virtue of Masjid Quba is mentioned in the following Quranic verse in Surah Taubah: “…certainly a masjid founded on piety from the very first day is more deserving that you should stand in it…” [9:108] The Prophet (ﷺ) said: “He who purifies himself at his home and comes to Masjid Quba and offers two rakats therein, will be rewarded the reward of an Umrah (lesser pilgrimage).” [Sunan ibn Majah]. It was a time of great joy from both sides. The Prophet (ﷺ) addressed them saying: “O People, give unto one another greetings of peace; feed the people; strengthen the ties of kinship, pray in the hours when others are asleep. Even so shall ye enter paradise in peace.” On arriving in the village of Quba after the blessed Hijra (migration), the Prophet (ﷺ) stayed for several days in the house of Kulthoom bin Hadm (رضي الله عنه) and laid the foundations of Masjid Quba on his land. Prior to the migration of the Prophet (ﷺ) the Muslims sometimes offered their Friday prayers at the house of Sa’ad ibn Khaithamah (رضي الله عنه) which was close by. The location of this house was included in the modern day extension of Masjid Quba but the location of the house of Kulthoom bin Hadm (رضي الله عنه) is marked by a few boulders to the south-west of Masjid Quba. The Prophet (ﷺ) personally carried stones, rocks and sand with his companions for the construction work. Al-Tabarani quoted Al-Shimous Bint Al-Nuaman as saying, “I saw the Prophet when he constructed this mosque. He used to carry stones and rocks on his back until it was bent. I also saw dust on his dress and belly. But when one of his companions would come to take the load off him, he would say no and ask the companion to go and carry a similar load instead.”
Gary Pangsayan

Gary Pangsayan

08/10/2023 15:14

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I recently had the opportunity to visit Masjidil Quba and I must say that it was an absolutely amazing experience. I would rate it 5 out of 5 stars without any hesitation. Firstly, the architecture and design of the mosque are simply breathtaking. The intricate details and craftsmanship that went into building this mosque are truly commendable. The exterior is beautifully adorned with intricate patterns and calligraphy, while the interior is equally stunning with its high ceilings, elegant chandeliers, and beautiful carpeting. Secondly, the atmosphere inside the mosque is incredibly peaceful and serene. As soon as you step foot inside, you can feel a sense of tranquility wash over you. The spacious prayer hall allows for comfortable prayer and reflection, while the soft lighting creates a soothing ambiance. Furthermore, the facilities at Masjidil Quba are top-notch. The mosque is well-maintained and clean, with separate areas for ablution (wudu) that are equipped with modern amenities. There are also ample parking spaces available for visitors, making it convenient for everyone to access. The staff at Masjidil Quba were extremely friendly and welcoming. They were always ready to assist visitors with any questions or concerns they may have had. Their warm hospitality added to the overall positive experience of visiting this mosque. Lastly, Masjidil Quba holds great historical significance as it is known as the first mosque ever built by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). This adds a special aura to the place and makes it even more meaningful for Muslims around the world. In conclusion, my visit to Masjidil Quba was truly memorable. From its stunning architecture to its peaceful atmosphere and excellent facilities, everything about this mosque exceeded my expectations. I highly recommend visiting Masjidil Quba if you ever have the chance – it is truly a remarkable place deserving of 5 out of 5 stars.
Asim Shah

Asim Shah

07/29/2023 04:06

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When you see your eyes feel relaxed and is the first mosque of Islam?? . if you pray two nafal get reward to perform one umrah.. Thanks to Almighty Allah Subhan Ta'ala He gave me the opportunity to pary in this mosque???
Khondakar Saleqin

Khondakar Saleqin

07/27/2023 11:46

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First mosque in Madinah City,a great place for praying and submit oneself to Allah Subhanutayala with a great hope to get mercy.
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