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نافورة الملك فهد - جدة

نافورة الملك فهد بجدة المملكة العربية السعودية
اعرض على الخريطة خريطة


تقع نافورة الملك فهد على الساحل الغربي للمملكة العربية السعودية في جدة ، وقد سميت بهذا الاسم لأنه تبرع بها الملك فهد إلى مدينة جدة. شُيدت نافورة الملك فهد بين عامي 1980 و 1983 وافتتحت للجمهور في عام 1985 ، وهي أطول نافورة من نوعها في العالم ، حيث يبلغ ارتفاع المياه الأقصى 853 قدمًا وهو أعلى من برج إيفل (بدون الهوائي).


يمكن لنافورة الملك فهد ، التي يمكن رؤيتها من جميع أنحاء مدينة جدة ، إخراج ما مجموعه 16 طنًا من الماء في الهواء كل يوم بسرعة 375 كم / ساعة. تبدو النافورة في أفضل حالاتها بعد حلول الظلام عندما تُضاء بأكثر من 500 مصباح مدمج في تصميم النافورة. يغير الماء ألوانه عندما يرتفع نحو السماء مقابل سماء الليل ويخلق مشهدًا ساحرًا يجب على المرء أن يراه ليصدقه.

أفضل وقت للزيارة

إذا تمكنت من الوصول إلى هناك قبل غروب الشمس بقليل ، يمكنك بسهولة العثور على وجهة جيدة لأن معظم السياح يصلون إليها بعد غروب الشمس. بالإضافة إلى أنك ستكون قادرًا على الاستمتاع بمنظر غروب الشمس ، المتلألئ فوق البحر حيث تداعب قطرات الماء الصغيرة من النافورة بشرتك وتخلق تأثيرًا مريحًا ومهدئًا.

بعد ذلك ، يمكنك الالتفاف عبر الطريق المؤدي إلى شارع فندق ريتز كارلتون حيث تقدم أكشاك الطعام والمقاهي والمطاعم بعضًا من أفضل أنواع القهوة والسندويشات والمعجنات في المدينة.


نوع الوجهة
منطقة الجمال الطبيعي
معلم معروف
الواجهة البحرية


نافورة الملك فهد بجدة المملكة العربية السعودية

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12/29/2023 23:27

مراجعة جوجل

This is the tallest fountain in the world!!!! Beautifully engineered 😍 the “corniche” was full of people chilling and hanging out while enjoying the view! The ice cream available there was super yummy!!
Arief Bin Ali

Arief Bin Ali

11/05/2023 18:27

مراجعة جوجل

A Mesmerizing Experience at Jeddah Corniche: In the Presence of the Majestic Jeddah Fountain Review: During my recent visit to Jeddah, I had the pleasure of exploring the beautiful Jeddah Corniche, an iconic waterfront promenade that stretches along the Red Sea. One of the highlights of my visit was witnessing the grandeur of the Jeddah Fountain, a magnificent display of water and light that left me in awe. As I approached the corniche, I was immediately captivated by its vibrant atmosphere. The well-maintained walkways, lush greenery, and stunning views of the Red Sea created a serene ambiance that provided a much-needed escape from the bustling city life. The Jeddah Fountain, also known as King Fahd Fountain, stands tall and proud in front of the corniche. It is one of the tallest fountains in the world, reaching an impressive height of 312 meters. The moment I laid eyes on it, I couldn't help but be mesmerized by its sheer beauty and elegance. The fountain's synchronized water jets dance gracefully to various musical tunes, creating a spectacle that is truly breathtaking. As night fell, colorful lights illuminated the water jets, transforming them into a mesmerizing display of vibrant hues. It was a sight to behold and left me feeling enchanted. The corniche itself offers numerous recreational activities for visitors to enjoy. From leisurely strolls along the promenade to cycling or jogging on dedicated paths, there is something for everyone. Families can be seen picnicking on well-manicured lawns while children play in designated play areas. One aspect that impressed me during my visit was how clean and well-maintained everything was. The authorities have done an excellent job in ensuring that visitors have a pleasant experience by providing ample seating areas and clean public facilities. Moreover, there are several food stalls and restaurants along the corniche offering a variety of cuisines to cater to different tastes. Whether you're craving traditional Saudi Arabian dishes or international delicacies, you'll find plenty of options to satisfy your appetite. However, despite all its positive aspects, one drawback I noticed during my visit was occasional overcrowding during peak hours. This made it slightly challenging to find parking spaces or secure a spot near popular attractions such as the fountain. Nonetheless, with patience and proper planning, this can be easily overcome. In conclusion, my visit to Jeddah Corniche in front of Jeddah Fountain was an unforgettable experience filled with beauty and tranquility. The majestic fountain stole my heart with its enchanting display while the corniche itself provided a serene escape from city life. If you're ever in Jeddah, make sure not to miss this captivating destination!
Aldrin Martins

Aldrin Martins

10/10/2023 10:06

مراجعة جوجل

The fountain is nice. Visiting this area in the evening or night is beautiful. The fountain is a bit far but the view and the red sea is beautiful.
Qadir Haroon

Qadir Haroon

08/30/2023 05:45

مراجعة جوجل

Nice and clean park for the view of the fountain, there's a paid toilet there also around 2 riyals per visit.
prashanth ediyillam

prashanth ediyillam

08/18/2023 21:46

مراجعة جوجل

Its hugh water fountain. Can be seen anywhere from Jeddah city. I recommend more tourist destination to be done in the nearby cornish area. Best time of visit is during sun set time.. beautiful view...
عرض 6 - 10 35 الكلي
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