محافظة المدينة المنورة ، التاريخ الإسلامي

بئر الشفاء - محافظة المدينة المنورة - بئر الشفاء



تعتبر بئر بئر الشفاء والمعروفة أيضًا باسم (بئر الشفاء) من أشهر الآبار في التاريخ الإسلامي. يقع على بعد ساعة واحدة بالسيارة من المدينة المنورة من المدينة المنورة. وذكرت أن هذا البئر تم حفره في الأصل لمساعدة الحجاج المسلمين الذين يسافرون للحج والعمرة ويحتاجون الماء في رحلتهم.

ومع ذلك ، كانت مياهها مريرة ومالحة وكثيرا ما تصيب الناس بالمرض. يذكر أن الرسول الكريم صلى الله عليه وسلم أبلغ عن مرارة الماء وطبيعته غير الصحية. وضع لعابه المبارك في الماء وبعد ذلك أصبحت طبيعة الماء حلوة وصحية بإذن الله. لا يزال بإمكان الزوار اليوم زيارة هذا البئر الواقع قبالة الطريق السريع الرئيسي وتذوق حلاوة هذه المياه لأنفسهم. قد تكون مهتمًا أيضًا بزيارة بئر غرس وبئر Ethiq وكلاهما يقعان في المدينة المنورة.

نوع الوجهة
موقع تاريخي
التاريخ الإسلامي
معلم معروف


بئر الشفاء السعودية


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Mai Eyssa

Mai Eyssa

05/29/2023 04:58

مراجعة جوجل

Wow to think this well could be heavenly water and just to know how much the prophet loved it and requested and asked to be washed with it! it is amazing and wish i could take it home with me!!
Bilal Ahmad

Bilal Ahmad

05/19/2023 21:14

مراجعة جوجل

The mentioned timings it's open for 24 hrs. But I reach after fajar prayer around 530am it was closed. I asked the Saudi boy about opening timings he said it will open at 7 am. Plz make sure the timings in early morning and night.
Syed Sharoz Abbas Rizvi

Syed Sharoz Abbas Rizvi

05/11/2023 04:29

مراجعة جوجل

Bir Ghars (Arabic: بئر غرس) was one of the wells that was favoured by the Prophet ﷺ due to the freshness of its water. The Prophet ﷺ drank from the well, made Wudhu with its water and requested that he be washed using its water after his death. Description: The Ghars Well (also known as Bir Ghars) is a very important well in Islamic history which is connected to the Seerah, The Life of The Prophet Muhammed, Peace and Blessings of God Be Upon Him (PBUH). It is located in the Blessed City of Madinah, close to Masjid Quba and The Garden of Salman Al Farsi (RA). The Ghars Well was one of the well perferred by The Prophet (PBUH) due to its freshness and was said to have drank water and performed ablution from the well. It is reported is reported by the Blessed Companion of The Prophet (PBUH), Ali ibn Abu Talib (RA) that the Prophet (PBUH) said: “When I die, wash me with seven water-skins from al-Ghars Well. He also used to drink from this well.” [Ibn Majah]. The well has been recently restored by the Ministry of Culture and includes drinking water taps for pilgrims as well as a prayer area besides the well. It is located next to Dar Al Hijrah School off Ali Ibn Abi Talib Road. You may also be interested in visiting the nearby Ethiq Well and Garden.
Nizamuddin Yusuf

Nizamuddin Yusuf

05/04/2023 12:48

مراجعة جوجل

It's has changed a lot since I came in 2019. MashaAllah excellent work in preserving the history. A must visit Ziyarat in Madinah Munawarrah
Habeebuddin Shaji

Habeebuddin Shaji

03/16/2023 22:41

مراجعة جوجل

Reportedly, the location of Aab-e-Shifa. The authorities have closed off the actual well and mosque. But there's a tap outside, from where you can collect the water. You can hire a taxi from Medina or join one of the tours that take you to all the sites in and around Medina
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