Провинция Медина
Исламская история

Гора Ухуд - Холм Лучников - Медина

Холм лучников, Нусайба ибн Каб, Медина Саудовская Аравия
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Холм Лучников - небольшая гора, расположенная перед горой Ухуд. Холм также известен как Джебель-ар-Рума и Джебель-Айнайн. Многое в исламской истории связано как с холмом, так и с горой из-за знаменитой битвы при Ухуде, которая произошла здесь в 7 веке. В битве 50 лучников, которые были размещены на Холме Лучников, выступили против приказа Пророка Мухаммеда, мир ему (мир ему и благословение), в результате чего мусульмане проиграли битву.

Битва при Ухуде и Холме Лучников

Гора Ухуд и холм Лучников популярны среди мусульманских паломников, посещающих Медину. Во время битвы Пророк Мухаммад (мир ему и благословение) приказал 50 лучникам оставаться на холме, где они должны были защищать мусульманскую армию от нападения вражеской армии. Пророк Мухаммад (мир ему и благословение) строго приказал лучникам не двигаться. Однако во время битвы лучники покинули свой пост, думая, что битва окончена, и отправились собирать военные трофеи. В то же время мекканская армия во главе с Халидом ибн аль-Валидом напала на мусульман, в результате чего Пророк Мухаммад погиб и получил ранения.

Мученики битвы при Ухуде также похоронены на кладбище, расположенном недалеко от холма. Посещение этого холма священно для мусульман не только из-за его военной истории, но и потому, что это напоминание о тяжелых последствиях неповиновения любимому Пророку Мухаммаду (мир ему и благословение).

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Исторический сайт
Исламская история

Место расположения

Холм лучников, Нусайба ибн Каб, Медина Саудовская Аравия

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04/23/2022 05:24

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Many experiences are increasing to go to Omrah, and after Mecca's Medina, I feel very good, Allah will give us all the Taqfifites to come to us.
Rizwan Shabir

Rizwan Shabir

04/01/2022 07:55

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Blessed Mountain and surrounding areas where the Holy Prophet saw walked on. Untouched and still in its original form. Was an amazing experience to visit such places still so real and raw. You don’t get such a feeling and connection from a photo. I highly recommend people to read and learn about the events that took place leading up to the battle of Uhud and what happened during and after the battle. May Allah shower his countless blessing on the Holy Prophet saw and his spiritual progeny.
Waqas Chaudhry

Waqas Chaudhry

03/30/2022 21:18

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Mount Uhud and Archers' Hill are popular among Muslim pilgrims who visit Medina. During the battle, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) ordered 50 archers to stay on the hill where they were supposed to protect the Muslim army from the opposing army's attack. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) gave the archers strict instructions not to move. However, during the battle, the archers deserted their post thinking the battle was over and went to collect the spoils of war. At the same time, the Meccan army, led by Khalid ibn al-Walid, attacked the Muslims, which resulted in a great loss of life and injuries to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The martyrs of the Battle of Uhud are also buried in a graveyard situated near the hill.
Mehran khan

Mehran khan

03/27/2022 12:29

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It's a sacred place for Muslims in Madina. A mosque has been built here and Battleground of Uhad is also here, Where the grave of Hazrat Hamza R. A. ( loving uncle of Prophet Muhammad S. A. W.) is located. Archer's hill is the name of this becuase during the War of Uhad, Prophet Muhammad S. A. W. Ordered few Sahaba karaam to sit there on hill top and attack Kuffaar form the top with their Archers.
Md Irfan

Md Irfan

03/26/2022 19:10

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The Uhad battle was fought on March 19, 625 CE (3 Shawwal 3 AH in the Islamic calendar) at the valley located in front of Mount Uhud, in what is now northwestern Arabia.[1] It occurred between a force from the Muslim community of Medina led by the Islamic prophet Muhammad, and a force led by Abu Sufyan ibn Harb from Mecca, the town from which many of the Muslims had previously emigrated. The Battle of ‘Uḥud was the second military encounter between the Meccans and the Muslims, preceded by the Battle of Badr in 624 CE, where a small Muslim army had defeated the much larger Meccan army. Marching out from Mecca towards Medina on March 11, 625 CE, the Meccans desired to avenge their losses at Badr and strike back at Muhammad and his followers. The Muslims readied for war soon afterward and the two armies fought on the slopes and plains of Mount ‘Uḥud. Whilst heavily outnumbered, the Muslims gained the early initiative and forced the Meccan lines back, thus leaving much of the Meccan camp unprotected. When the battle looked to be only one step far from a decisive Muslim victory, a serious mistake was committed by a part of the Muslim army, which shifted the outcome of the battle. A breach of Muhammad's orders by the Muslim archers, who left their assigned posts to despoil the Meccan camp, allowed a surprise attack from the Meccan cavalry, led by Meccan war veteran Khalid ibn al-Walid, which brought chaos to the Muslim ranks. Many Muslims were killed, including Hamza ibn ‘Abd al-Muttalib, Muhammad's uncle and foster brother. Muhammad himself got injured. The Muslims had to withdraw up the slopes of ‘Uḥud. The Meccans did not pursue the Muslims further, but marched back to Mecca declaring victory. The two armies would meet again in 627 CE at the Battle of the Trench.
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