Провинция Медина
Исламская история

Гора Ухуд - Холм Лучников - Медина

Холм лучников, Нусайба ибн Каб, Медина Саудовская Аравия
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Холм Лучников - небольшая гора, расположенная перед горой Ухуд. Холм также известен как Джебель-ар-Рума и Джебель-Айнайн. Многое в исламской истории связано как с холмом, так и с горой из-за знаменитой битвы при Ухуде, которая произошла здесь в 7 веке. В битве 50 лучников, которые были размещены на Холме Лучников, выступили против приказа Пророка Мухаммеда, мир ему (мир ему и благословение), в результате чего мусульмане проиграли битву.

Битва при Ухуде и Холме Лучников

Гора Ухуд и холм Лучников популярны среди мусульманских паломников, посещающих Медину. Во время битвы Пророк Мухаммад (мир ему и благословение) приказал 50 лучникам оставаться на холме, где они должны были защищать мусульманскую армию от нападения вражеской армии. Пророк Мухаммад (мир ему и благословение) строго приказал лучникам не двигаться. Однако во время битвы лучники покинули свой пост, думая, что битва окончена, и отправились собирать военные трофеи. В то же время мекканская армия во главе с Халидом ибн аль-Валидом напала на мусульман, в результате чего Пророк Мухаммад погиб и получил ранения.

Мученики битвы при Ухуде также похоронены на кладбище, расположенном недалеко от холма. Посещение этого холма священно для мусульман не только из-за его военной истории, но и потому, что это напоминание о тяжелых последствиях неповиновения любимому Пророку Мухаммаду (мир ему и благословение).

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Исторический сайт
Исламская история

Место расположения

Холм лучников, Нусайба ибн Каб, Медина Саудовская Аравия

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Asad Iqbal

Asad Iqbal

09/22/2023 11:21

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Archers' Hill at Uhud, also known as Jabal Ar-Rumah, holds a significant place in Islamic history as the backdrop to the historic Battle of Uhud. This battle, which took place in 625 CE near the city of Medina, Saudi Arabia, had a profound impact on the early Muslim community. Archers' Hill played a crucial role in the unfolding of this battle. It was here that Prophet Muhammad strategically positioned a group of seventy archers under the command of Abdullah ibn Jubair. Their primary task was to guard the rear of the Muslim army and prevent any potential enemy attacks from that direction. However, during the course of the battle, a pivotal moment occurred. The Muslim forces initially gained the upper hand, but some of the archers, tempted by the spoils of war, left their posts prematurely. Khalid ibn Walid, leading the enemy forces, saw this opportunity and launched a surprise attack from the rear, causing confusion and turning the tide of the battle. The result of this lapse was a bitter defeat for the Muslims, with casualties including the beloved uncle of Prophet Muhammad, Hamza ibn Abdul-Muttalib. The battle's outcome served as a valuable lesson in discipline and obedience for the Muslim community. Today, Archers' Hill stands as a historical site of great importance, reminding visitors of the sacrifices and lessons learned during the Battle of Uhud. It serves as a symbol of the early Muslim struggles and the need for unwavering commitment to principles in the face of adversity. Pilgrims and history enthusiasts alike visit this site to pay their respects and reflect on the events that unfolded on this hallowed ground more than a millennium ago.
Rafiza Watikah

Rafiza Watikah

09/17/2023 14:03

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There is an old mosque (ruined) on the hill (at the backside) where our prophet SAW used to perform solat there and made it one of the best place for dua.... Not many people know about the spot on the Archer's Hill Uhud.
hannan akhtar

hannan akhtar

08/03/2023 09:37

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Great place to visit for any Muslim. Standing on top of the the archers mountain one can see the entire area and picture the battle scene if one has read the history of Battle of Uhud in detail. On front of Majid e Nabvi(Nearer to Green Dome/ Jannat ul Baqi side) there are hiaces that offer ziyarat tour for 10/15 SAR. They will also visit Uhud but only give you 10 mins at this place. If you are looking to explore more try to book a private taxi or tour. They charge 120 SAR per trip and they visit more Ziyarats than the shared vagons that will visit only 4 ziyarat (Ohud, Khandaq, Majid e Qibtalain, Masjid e Quba). 10 to 15 mins stay max in all of these places if you take the shared vagons from Majid E Nabvi front.
Ibrar Ch

Ibrar Ch

07/05/2023 02:27

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Archers' Hill Uhud. The Archers' Hill is a small mountain located in front of Mount Uhud. The hill is also known as Jabal al-Rumah and Jabal Ainain.


05/29/2023 09:34

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Historical site where the Battle of Uhud took place. This is the battle that occurred after the Battle of Badr. An immersive experience into history. My advice would be to read or listen to a podcast on the Battle of Uhud so that when you arrive you can visually place the history. The site has a Mosque open for prayers and some vendors selling refreshment. You can climb the small hill where historically its said the archers (against the Prophets's order) left the Battle as the believed the battle was won. This was a monumental point as it created an opening for the Meccan cavalry and gave them the victory they sought. Leading the Muslims to seek refuge into the actual mountain of Uhud (Jebel Uhud). Furthermore, whilst there give Salaam and blessings to the martyrs of the battle including Hamza (رضي الله عنه), Abdullah bin Jasht (رضي الله عنه) and Mus'ab bin Umair (رضي الله عنه) who were all martyred in the Battle of Uhud. However, just be mindful to avoid shirk. "Visit the graves, for they remind you of the Hereafter." (Narrated by Muslim, 976). It was reported that 'Aa'ishah said that when it was her night for the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) to stay with her, he would go out during the latter part of the night to (the cemetery of) al-Baqee' and say, "Peace be upon you, dwellings of the believing people. There has come to you that which you were promised, , and if Allaah wills we will follow you soon. O Allaah, forgive the people of Baqee' al-Gharqad." (Narrated by Muslim, 974). It is bid'ah (innovation), to visit graves for the purpose of calling upon their occupants, seeking their help, offering sacrifices to them and making vows to them. This is forbidden and is a major form of Shirk (shirk akbar). Connected to this is the practice of visiting graves to offer du'aa', perform salaah and read Qur'aan there. This is all bid'ah and is not prescribed in Islam. Finally, please bear in mind the hot weather. So, go early before the sun is high or after Maghrib once the sun is set to have a comfortable experience.
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