Провинция Мекка
Исламская история

Джебель-ан-Нур (Нур) - гора Откровения - Мекка



Джабаль аль-Нур, также известный как «Гора Света» или «Гора Просвещения», находится примерно в 4 км от мечети Масджид аль-Харам по направлению к северо-востоку от Мекки. Он имеет огромное значение для мусульман и круглый год является главной достопримечательностью для паломников, которые приезжают в Мекку для совершения хаджа и умры.

Значение в исламе:

Первые аяты Священного Корана были ниспосланы Пророку Мухаммаду (мир ему и благословение) в пещере Хира на вершине этого холма. Его длина составляет менее 4 метров, а в ширину может поместиться всего пять человек. Пророк обычно поднимался на вершину, проводил время в пещере и медитировал. Согласно мусульманскому верованию, именно здесь ангел Гавриил дал пророку Мухаммаду (мир ему и благословение) свое первое откровение в течение месяца Рамадан в 610 году нашей эры.

Особенности горы

Одна физическая особенность, которая отличает Джебель-ан-Нур от других окружающих гор и холмов, - это его необычная вершина, из-за которой кажется, что две горы находятся друг на друге. Установлены лестницы для подъема людей; однако подъем на холм может быть довольно трудным, потому что он очень крутой и на подъем уходит почти два часа. Тем не менее, вы найдете людей всех возрастов, которые поднимаются на гору, чтобы посетить пещеру и помолиться в ней. Из-за его популярности за пределами пещеры часто выстраивается длинная очередь людей, и вам, возможно, придется ждать несколько часов своей очереди.

Тип назначения
Исторический сайт
Исламская история

Место расположения

Джабаль Нур, Мекка Саудовская Аравия

Близлежащие рестораны

Violet Hotel - Мекка
Мекка (4.3км)
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Talha Khan

Talha Khan

09/10/2023 21:29

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If you're arriving from the Haram, I would highly recommend opting for a taxi or a bus. When it comes to taking a taxi, remember that bargaining is your trusty companion here. We encountered two taxi drivers upon leaving our hotel, with one initially quoting a fare of 75SAR. However, we declined his offer and sought for another taxi, and we found another driver who was willing to take us for a more reasonable 25SAR. Patience certainly paid off in this case. Ensure that the taxi driver drops you off at the farthest point accessible by car, as attempting to reach the steps on foot can be quite exhausting (ours unfortunately didn’t). For the most comfortable experience, consider planning your visit between Asr salah and Maghreb salah. This window offers the least hot temperatures, making the sun's intensity more bearable during your ascent. It’s essential to stock up on supplies. Bring plenty of water, electrolytes, and snacks to keep your energy levels up during the climb. Even individuals in relatively good health may find this climb challenging. Along the way, you'll find vendors selling refreshing lemon water and other beverages, which can be a lifesaver if you haven't packed enough provisions. The payoff for your efforts is truly remarkable. From the summit, you'll be treated to a breathtaking panoramic view of Makkah, with the distant presence of the iconic clock tower adding to the spectacle. My personal experience involved an hour-long ascent with multiple breaks and a brisk 15-minute descent without pauses. Proper footwear is crucial, as maintaining solid footing is crucial on this climb. Accessing the actual Ghar (cave) can be a bit tricky due to the narrow passage, often crowded with fellow climbers. Overall, this journey is humbling and very rewarding.
Sebastien Gilson

Sebastien Gilson

08/19/2023 07:52

Обзор Google

!!Go to Tangga Hira to start the walk!! Great walk to the top but extremely polluted by plastic bottles and garbage left by the pilgrims. Really shameful to see the lack of consideration for such an important place in the Muslim world ☹️
Omar Jebara

Omar Jebara

07/19/2023 06:08

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Jabal Al-Nour, the Mountain of Light, holds an unparalleled significance in Islamic history as the site where the divine revelation came down to the beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Visiting this sacred place in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, was an awe-inspiring and deeply spiritual experience. Ascending the mountain, I could feel the sense of reverence and humility that surrounded me. The rugged terrain and challenging climb served as a reminder of the Prophet's dedication and devotion to seeking divine guidance. As I reached the cave known as "Ghar Hira," where the revelation occurred, a profound sense of tranquility washed over me. Inside the cave, I couldn't help but reflect on the profound impact of that momentous event over fourteen centuries ago. It was here that the first verses of the Holy Quran were revealed, illuminating the path for humanity and shaping the course of history. The panoramic view from the mountain summit was breathtaking, providing a striking contrast between the vastness of creation and the intimate connection with the Creator. In that peaceful solitude, I felt a unique bond with the Prophet, understanding the depth of his spiritual journey and the weight of his divine responsibility. The journey to Jabal Al-Nour not only deepened my understanding of Islamic history but also left an indelible mark on my soul. The sense of serenity and enlightenment I experienced during this pilgrimage will forever be cherished, reminding me of the enduring message of peace, love, and unity that the Prophet brought to the world. I highly recommend visiting Jabal Al-Nour to anyone seeking a profound spiritual experience and a chance to connect with the roots of Islam. The magnificence of the mountain and the cave, coupled with the knowledge of its historical significance, will undoubtedly leave you in awe and inspire a deeper appreciation for the teachings of Islam.
Omar Jebara

Omar Jebara

06/29/2023 07:22

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Jabal Al-Nour, also known as Mount Arafat, holds a special place in the hearts of millions of Muslims worldwide. As a significant site in Islamic history, it carries immense spiritual and historical weight. It is with great reverence that I reflect upon my visit to this sacred mountain. Ascending Jabal Al-Nour, I felt a sense of awe and anticipation, knowing that I was retracing the steps of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) during his solitary contemplation in the Hira Cave. The rugged terrain and the arduous climb only served to deepen my connection to the Prophet's profound spiritual journey. The view from the summit of Jabal Al-Nour is nothing short of breathtaking. As the sun casts its gentle rays upon the vast expanse of the surrounding landscape, one can't help but be humbled by the magnificence of nature. It is here, amidst the serene solitude, that the soul finds solace and tranquility. Mount Arafat, situated nearby, is another remarkable destination for pilgrims. Standing on this hallowed ground, I was overcome by the weight of history and the knowledge that I was partaking in a ritual that has been carried out for centuries. The plains of Arafat hold a profound significance as the place where the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) delivered his final sermon. The atmosphere at Mount Arafat is one of deep spirituality and unity. With millions of pilgrims from diverse backgrounds gathering in one place, it is a testament to the universality of Islam and the power of collective devotion. The air is filled with prayers, supplications, and a palpable sense of humility and devotion, as believers seek forgiveness and draw closer to their Creator. Reflecting on my experience at Jabal Al-Nour and Mount Arafat, I am filled with a profound sense of gratitude and humility. These sacred sites provide an opportunity for introspection, spiritual growth, and a deeper understanding of the faith. They remind us of the importance of humility, unity, and the timeless teachings of Islam. Visiting Jabal Al-Nour and Mount Arafat is a journey that transcends the physical realm. It is a pilgrimage of the heart and a testament to the enduring power of faith. I am forever grateful for the opportunity to have experienced the spiritual magnificence of these sacred places, and I carry their profound impact within me as a cherished treasure.

Ahtesham Javaid 2 reviews

06/25/2023 20:25

Spiritual Visit

Being a traveller through journey of mankind from prophet Adam to NoH, Ibraheem to Musa and ESA and finally to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The story of revelation throughout life of prophets through video is beyond experience. Ticket price: 20 riyal per adult Venue: The Hira Cultural District At foothills of Jibl e noor. Accessible through Bus no 10 Must must see attraction
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