المنطقة الشرقية ، لاندمارك

جسر الملك فهد - المنطقة الشرقية

جسر الملك فهد ، جسر الملك فهد ، الجسرة ، البحرين
اعرض على الخريطة خريطة


جسر الملك فهد (جسر الملك فهد) عبارة عن سلسلة من الجسور يبلغ طولها 15 ميلاً وتربط المملكة العربية السعودية والبحرين عبر الخليج العربي. تم تصور فكرة بناء هذا الجسر خلال الخمسينيات من القرن الماضي لتحسين الروابط الاجتماعية والثقافية بين المملكة العربية السعودية والبحرين. اكتمل بناء الجسر في عام 1986.

الهيكل والمناظر الطبيعية

ترتكز الجسور الخمسة لهذا الجسر على أكثر من 500 برج خرساني. يبدو الجسر مستقبليًا بسدوده السبعة في المياه الضحلة للخليج. يُطلق على أحد هذه السدود اسم Middle Island أو Passport Island ، وهي أيضًا أكبرها جميعًا. تم تحويلها إلى جزيرة اصطناعية بها مرافق الجمارك والهجرة ومسجد وحدائق ومطاعم. تحتوي هذه الجزيرة أيضًا على محطة حدودية بها منفذ ماكدونالدز على كل جانب.

السفر عبر الجسر

بسبب COVID-19 ، تم إغلاق الجسر مؤقتًا في مارس 2020 للسلامة العامة. ومع ذلك ، فقد أعيد فتحه في 17 مايو 2021 ؛ يجب على الناس اتباع بروتوكولات صارمة من أجل السفر على هذا الجسر.

القيادة عبر الجسر طريقة رائعة للسفر إلى البحرين أو المملكة العربية السعودية من أي من البلدين ، خاصة أثناء غروب الشمس وشروقها. يوفر الجسر تجربة السفر عبر البحر دون الحاجة إلى الصعود إلى السفينة أو المرور بأي دوار بحر مروع.

نوع الوجهة
معلم معروف


جسر الملك فهد ، جسر الملك فهد ، الجسرة ، البحرين


جيد جدا
من :عدد التقييمات
جيد جدا
Customer service
Value for money
Abdullah Hussain

Abdullah Hussain

08/11/2022 13:28

مراجعة جوجل

Best experience of life to drive on a bridge that is built on sea. Amazing architecture and amazing experience. Sight of sea on both sides of the bridge is just exceptional. At the Bahrain border, lots of parking space is available and many points to eat and have coffee. Good place to visit..
StarterPack (Pan)

StarterPack (Pan)

08/06/2022 11:42

مراجعة جوجل

The views are beautiful. Usually busy to cross to Bahrain. I recommend not to cross this bridge during weekends and holidays because it will result to you waiting in the traffic for more than 4 hours.
Abu Muhammad

Abu Muhammad

07/29/2022 12:39

مراجعة جوجل

Awesome really awesome especially when you are passing through the long bridge on sea in air-conditioned car you will feel all good In reality if you down a bit your car window then you will feel extremely humid heat with smell But in closed cold car love to visit again There should be some open space as well to park the car and enjoy with family Benzene was very cheap in Bahrain from 1.4 - 2.0 riyals while in KSA it’s ranging from 2.18 - 2-33 riyals Bridge was very neat and clean Boarder inside staff on Saudi side was helpful while very cooperating and happy staff in windows of Bahrain boarder Saudi border windows staff even especially ladies were very rude
mohammed nasar

mohammed nasar

07/27/2022 16:30

مراجعة جوجل

Now. Had a chance to visit King Fahd Causeway AKA- "KFC". Well, that's what the local populace address it "fashionably", so be it. So, this KFC connects Saudi Arabia, Precisely the Al Khobar region in Sharqiya province of East Coast with the nation of Bahrain. To term it just a causeway would be a misnomer as such. It's an entire system on its own complete with all the facilities, malls, eateries, masjids, parking spots, ATM counters and of course, Immigration and Customs. The pictures just don't do justice. Unlike other "bridges" like the Golden Gate of SFO, this one is all inclusive and the authorities of both the kingdoms must be thoroughly complimented for co-operating in unison and giving it's citizens a facility as complete as this. Kudos guys. A job well done. ? -KFC charges are 25 SAR/2.5 BD one-way. Payable by card/cash. - Immigration, Customs is very systematic and a smooth process with clear markings everywhere in English and Arabic. - Eateries, cafes, comfort rooms, parking spaces, public park and masjid. It's all there in the middle island. -Car insurance for entry to Bahrain is compulsory and must be bought from one of the many window counters present right after customs on the Bahraini side. Only downside is the staff of immigration and customs who are not fluent in English. They just don't understand and can't pick up Western accents. You have to tone down your English speaking skills to a basic beginner level, uttering each word with South Asian/Arabic accent.
Thabet Alghazal

Thabet Alghazal

07/02/2022 22:32

مراجعة جوجل

So many checks points. Please make it one, things are improving except here. Wish to see changes soon ?
عرض 21 - 25 51 الكلي

Dominique Schlezack 1 questions

08/29/2022 15:44

Can I cross the King Fahd Causeway from Bahrain to Saudi Arabia with a rental car?
اكتب إجابة
عرض 1 - 1 1 الكلي
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