بونتون برجر - جدة

بونتون برجر ، بونتون برجر ، الأندلس ، جدة 23326
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مرحبًا بكم في بونتون برجر ، أحد أشهر أماكن البرجر في جدة وأكثرها شهرة. "Buntone هي علامة تجارية مسجلة تمثل عصرًا جديدًا في صناعة برجر. كما يمثل اسم العلامة التجارية ، تم التركيز على رش بعض الألوان في BUN الممل العادي من خلال تحسينها بنبرة من الألوان مع الحفاظ على تقليد استخدام الأفضل اللحوم والجبن والمكونات ذات الجودة العالمية. يتم خبز هذه الكعك مع دقيق البطاطس مع أقل نسبة سكر مضافة. تتميز نغمة كل كعكة نستخدمها في صنع البرجر بطعم مميز يكمل اللحوم ، مما يعطينا شعارنا "تذوق اللون" ". إنهم متخصصون في تقديم أفضل أنواع البرغر مع أفضل جودة للحوم والتوقيع يشمل Deer Burger و Wagyu Burger ". كان الموظفون رائعون ومتعاونون حقًا. كان السيد عبد الله مرسال (مدير) محترفًا في التعامل والتنسيق مع العملاء. قم بزيارتهم مع عائلتك أو مجموعة من الأصدقاء للاستمتاع بأحد أفضل الأطعمة المتوفرة في المدينة في أجمل مكان.


بونتون برجر ، بونتون برجر ، الأندلس ، جدة 23326

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من :عدد التقييمات
جيد جدا
Customer service
Value for money
Albert Joseph Soriano

Albert Joseph Soriano

09/05/2021 17:46

مراجعة جوجل

Buntone Burgers are the best. I love the food, the ambiance and the service of the staff especially to Mr. Naphol. Good job guys and keep it up. More sales to come. Hope to visit your store again. I love it and you’ll love it too guys! ?
Wael Nablawi

Wael Nablawi

07/27/2021 18:41

مراجعة جوجل

It was my first time trying out deer meat with black pepper burger and it was fantastic. Even the wagyu beef and chicken was excellent. I personally recommend you try the basil burger bread on any of the choices above.
Sultan H

Sultan H

07/18/2021 23:23

مراجعة جوجل

The restaurant's vibe is nice. The burgers were delicious. I recommend everyone to try it. It also has a very cool motorcycle to look at.
barrhavenmedical pharmacy

barrhavenmedical pharmacy

07/09/2021 17:16

مراجعة جوجل

Best taste I have ever tried. New experience and concept in the burger industry. Different choices with absolutely delicious and tasty buns and meat. The quality, the atmosphere and the customer service extremely excellent. Highly recommended. Definitely I will come back. Great job Buntone Team

مراجعة جوجل

This isn’t your normal everyday burger joint and each of the coloured buns used represents a distinct flavour and that’s not all. Apart from Wagyu Beef and Chicken, they also serve Deer & Duck meat which is what makes this unique restaurant stand out from the rest. I was joined by @shareeka23, @joys10dz and @elmaaug of @theovenaffairs and lil Emira. There was no doubt in my mind as to what I was going to order and Ahmed and I went for the same unique combination of Deer & Blueberry. 1. Blueberry Deer Burger - SR. 68 (Single) 2. Chilli Chicken Burger - SR. 35 3. Pepper Beef Burger - SR. 38 4. Chilli Wagyu Burger - SR. 48 5. Basil Chicken Burger - SR. 35 6. Sweet Potato Fries - SR. 16 The Deer meat patty was mouth watering and tender with absolutely no hint of gaminess, and the blueberry bun had a subtle sweetness to it that complimented the meat perfectly. I wish I had gone for the double patty but with the pricey nearing the 100 SR mark, I decided the single would do. The price is justified especially since Deer meat isn’t readily available in the kingdom. The heat from the chilli bun was quite surprising and not mild as some would expect, but my god it had a lot of flavour and the crispy chicken patty too packed a bit of heat making for an astonishing combination. The Beef patty packed Pepper bun isn’t too prominent in terms of flavour but has a great aftertaste especially the patty. I will let @elmaaug add her comments here since this was her order. The chilli bun is also a great combination when paired with wagyu but I would still go with the crispy chicken patty. This was @joys10dz order and I’m looking forward to his experience with this burger. They had run out of potatoes that day so we didn’t get to enjoy their signature fries, instead opted for the ‘Sweet Potato Fries’ which were absolutely delicious and crunchy.
عرض 26 - 30 30 الكلي
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