منطقة جازان ، منطقة ذات جمال طبيعي

وادي لجب - منطقة جازان



وادي لجب هو واد يقع بين جبلين مرتفعين بالقرب من جازان في المملكة العربية السعودية. تقع بين واد يبلغ عرضه 30 كيلومترًا وطوله 5 كيلومترات. كما أطلق بعض الناس على وادي لجب لقب "جنة الصحراء" بسبب جمالها.

منظر جمالي

الجوانب شديدة الانحدار من هذه الجبال مغطاة بالطحلب الكثيف ، مما يجعلها تبدو وكأنها حديقة معلقة. يقدم الوادي بعض وجهات النظر البارزة حيث أن جوانبه شديدة الانحدار مرتفعة في بعض الأجزاء وضيقة بشكل لا يصدق وعميقة في أجزاء أخرى. ربما تكون الميزة الأكثر تفرداً في وادي لجب هي حقيقة أنه يحتوي على إمدادات وفيرة ولا تنتهي من المياه العذبة.


يعد وادي لجب مكانًا ممتازًا للمشي لمسافات طويلة والرحلات. كما وافق مجلس التنمية السياحية بجازان على وادي لجب كموقع سياحي حيث يمكن للناس ممارسة تسلق الصخور. يجري التيار في الوادي في قاع الوادي ويخلق شلالات حيث يذهب الناس للاستحمام في المياه العذبة. تشكل الشلالات عدة برك مليئة بالمياه النقية ، وهي عميقة بما يكفي للسباحة. من أجل تحقيق أقصى استفادة من هذه الرحلة ، تأكد من ارتداء أحذية مريحة حيث يوجد الكثير من التنزه والتسلق.

نوع الوجهة
منطقة الجمال الطبيعي
معلم معروف


وادي لجب السعودية


من :عدد التقييمات
جيد جدا
Customer service
Value for money
Lucas Klamert

Lucas Klamert

12/22/2023 14:30

مراجعة جوجل

It`s a beautiful Wadi, quite busy with visitors. If you bring food, be careful with the monkeys. They rush in and snatch what you have like lightening. Most importantly, be mindful on your drive in. We went in a sedan and almost got stuck. Others actually did get stuck despite having a higher clearance SUV, but only 2WD. There was a ditch with water that you needed to pass, and without 4WD it was easy to get stuck there. The ground is loose, so conditions change often. If in doubt, walk in. It`s not too far.


08/17/2023 04:59

مراجعة جوجل

Wadi Lajab is a breathtaking natural wonder tucked away in the heart of a rugged desert landscape. Its imposing cliffs, winding canyons, and crystal-clear pools make it a haven for adventurers seeking an exhilarating experience. Embarking on an adventure in Wadi Lajab promises to be a remarkable journey filled with discovery and awe-inspiring beauty. The narrow canyon walls rise high above you, creating a sense of awe and wonder. The path ahead is dotted with boulders and rocks, which you navigate with care. The silence of the desert is occasionally broken by the sound of water trickling nearby, a reminder of the life-sustaining force that has carved this magnificent landscape over thousands of years. As you delve deeper into the wadi, the terrain changes. The walls become steeper, the canyons narrower, and the water more abundant. You find yourself wading through ankle-deep pools, their coolness providing respite from the desert heat. The vibrant colors of the rocks—shades of red, orange, and brown—create a stunning contrast against the clear blue sky. With each step, you encounter new surprises. A hidden waterfall cascades down a rock face, inviting you to cool off in its refreshing embrace. You scramble up a rocky ledge, rewarded with a panoramic view of the wadi, its beauty stretching out before you in all its grandeur. The sense of isolation and remoteness is both humbling and invigorating. The adventure in Wadi Lajab has been a remarkable journey of discovery, where you’ve witnessed the raw beauty of the desert and experienced the thrill of exploring its hidden corners. It’s a testament to the resilience of nature and the human spirit, reminding you of the wonders that await those who dare to venture off the beaten path.
Nicole Blanco

Nicole Blanco

07/22/2023 21:32

مراجعة جوجل

Nice place for hiking, swimming, picnic just beware of the monkeys around. Don't give them food.
mark louie dulay

mark louie dulay

07/20/2023 00:12

مراجعة جوجل

It was a beautiful and amazing experience. I love the place. Its recommended to those people who love adventures. I love KSA
Siju Mathew

Siju Mathew

05/14/2023 06:10

مراجعة جوجل

An amazing adventurous place where you may enjoy the true magnificence of nature. It is a canyon where streams have built a little passageway between two big mountains. I recommend not taking kids under ten since they could slip over the rocks and there might be risks of falling small stones. You should carry your water pack and wear appropriate hiking shoes. There are restrooms at the bottom of the valley. Some locals offer 4x4 truck service to the wadi, which is an excellent off-road experience during the rainy seasons.
عرض 6 - 10 31 الكلي
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