منطقة حائل ، موقع تاريخي

جبل أم سنمان - منطقة حائل



يقع جبل أم سنمان في جبة على بعد حوالي 100 كيلومتر من حائل بالمملكة العربية السعودية ، وهو من أبرز المواقع الأثرية في المنطقة. يشتهر هذا الجبل بالرسومات والنقوش المنقوشة عليه. وفقًا لعلماء الآثار ، فإن هذه النقوش تعود إلى 7000 قبل الميلاد.

منظر جمالي

حصل الجبل على اسمه "أم سنمان" من مظهره الفريد الذي يشبه الجمل ذو السنمين. تحيط به الكثبان الرملية ، ويقع في وسط صحراء النفود ، ويمتد على مساحة 40 كيلومترًا مربعًا ، ويوجد على هذا الجبل ما يقرب من 2000 رسم حيواني ، بما في ذلك 262 رسمًا لبشر. أشهر هذه الرسوم وأكثرها وضوحًا هي رسم الأسد.


وبحسب بعض المؤرخين ، فإن هذه النقوش تعود إلى عصور تاريخية مختلفة ، وبعضها أيضًا من العصور الثمودية (عندما كان أهل ثمود يجوبون الأرض). تمثل الأشكال البشرية الكبيرة ذات الوجوه الغامضة العصر الحجري الحديث ، في حين يمكن تتبع العصر النحاسي من خلال رسومات الماعز والحيوانات.

تعود بعض الرسومات أيضًا إلى العصر الحديدي ، والذي يتضمن رسومات للمحاربين مع حرابهم ، جنبًا إلى جنب مع الفهود والنعام وأشجار النخيل. أخيرًا وليس آخرًا ، الرسوم الشهيرة لعربات تجرها الخيول تعود إلى الألفية الثالثة قبل الميلاد أو حتى قبل ذلك. يعد هذا الموقع الأثري مكانًا يحلم به عشاق التاريخ حيث يمكنهم العثور على إشارات إلى كل حقبة تاريخية مهمة تقريبًا في شبه الجزيرة العربية

نوع الوجهة
منطقة الجمال الطبيعي
موقع تاريخي
معلم معروف


جبل أم سنمان ، جبة السعودية


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خالد العبدالله

خالد العبدالله

03/17/2020 09:20

مراجعة جوجل

Beautiful and beautiful nature


06/09/2019 11:51

مراجعة جوجل

Mount Umm Sannman is one of the most prominent archaeological sites in the region of Hail, one of the five places recognized by the UNESCO World Organization, which is characterized by four epochs style early Jabba and the Stone Age and the Iron Age and modern Sumoudi Jabal Umm Sinman is one of the most prominent archaeological sites in the Hail region, and it is one of the five places recognized by UNESCO.


03/06/2019 00:13

مراجعة جوجل

One of the mountains of the Hail region, the mountain is located in the city of Jubbah, which is 103 kilometers northwest of Hail, and is located specifically to the west of the city of Jubbah, in the middle of the Nafud desert. The mountain has a historical and archaeological status in the Arabian Peninsula in general and the Hail region in particular, as it embraces many very old inscriptions, drawings and formations. It was known and used before Newton, and on the other hand, the Europeans see that Newton is the discoverer of the law, and the European and American dispute will remain about this rock until it is studied in a detailed scientific way, despite this, they agree that the rock is priceless; However, she did not find anyone interested in her scientifically so far. Also, Mount Umm Sinman embraces inscriptions that are said to date back to the Stone Age, some of which are Thamudic, and there are rock formations with clear features on the mountain, the most famous of which is the clearly visible figure of the lion, and it also carries in its display formations of the faces of men wearing turbans and some say that they are crowns, and these formations and many others Among the animal drawings, such as birds, monkeys, and ibex, were called by the people of Jebba in the past, guards of Umm Sinman, and the mountain also embraced an inscription of the oldest x-ray image of a person in the world, and this indicates the ancient history of Mount Umm Sinman and the civilization that it contained. The mountain embraces the inscriptions of the stone age man, and the mountain recorded About 5431 Thamudic inscriptions, and 1944 drawings of different animals, including 1378 drawings of camels of different sizes and shapes, and the number of human drawings reached 262 drawings. The inscriptions in Mount Umm Sinman show the man who lived in the stone ages, and some of the ways and systems of daily life that were applied and lived by the man of those ages. And inscriptions distinguished by their artistic formations and their various expressive themes. The drawings and inscriptions also indicate the techniques of stone tools that ancient man used to dig his various and rich written drawings and inscriptions. Perhaps among the most important drawings and rock inscriptions that can be seen in Jabal Umm Sinman are those that represent the early pattern of engraving and engraving, dating back to the seventh millennium BC. It dates back to the seventh millennium BC, and it shows the completed human forms with slender arms and the protrusion of the compact body at the fold of the thigh and the appearance of the forms of women with braided hair hanging down, and those with ornate skirts and the emergence of animal shapes such as camels, undomesticated horses, goats, and various groups of forms of sheep, cats and dogs that were used in the hunt. The second period dates back to the Thamudic era, and its most prominent drawings and rock inscriptions are the domestication of camels, where scenes of warriors appear on their backs with spears in their hands, and ibex, leopards and ostriches appear, in addition to symbolic forms and palm trees.[3][4]
YuyuZizo's Happy Pill

YuyuZizo's Happy Pill

05/11/2018 09:13

مراجعة جوجل

The rock arts and the rocks formation are amazing. The figures of human and animals from 15,000 years that are drawn on the rocks are magnificent. We learned so many things when we visited this UNESCO world heritage site.
Debora Tabungar

Debora Tabungar

05/11/2018 09:13

مراجعة جوجل

The rock arts and the rocks formation are amazing. The figures of human and animals from 15,000 years that are drawn on the rocks are magnificent. We learned so many things when we visited this UNESCO world heritage site.
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