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مدينة ماديان القديمة - منطقة تبوك



ماديان موقع أثري يقع في شمال غرب شبه الجزيرة العربية في منطقة تبوك بالمملكة العربية السعودية. يتكون المكان من منازل تم قطعها من صخور ضخمة ويمكن أن يعود تاريخها إلى عام 2000 قبل الميلاد. إنه أحد المواقع القليلة التي اشتهرت بالأنبياء الذين أرسلوا إليها. هذا المكان بالذات يدل على اسم النبي شعيب صلى الله عليه وسلم.

التاريخ الإسلامي

مدين مكان ورد ذكره في القرآن والتوراة عدة مرات. حسب العقيدة الإسلامية ، هذا هو المكان الذي أرسل إليه النبي شعيب. كانت القبائل التي كانت تعيش هنا تسمى أيضًا "سكان الغابة". كانوا يرتكبون السرقة وكانوا غير عادلين في تعاملاتهم التجارية. جاء النبي شعيب برسالة الله ورجاء الهداية للناس. ومع ذلك ، استمروا في طريقهم ودمروا في النهاية بسبب الزلزال. تم التخلي عن هذه المنازل والكهوف الفارغة منذ ذلك الحين.


تتوفر مواقف للسيارات بالقرب من الموقع ، جنبًا إلى جنب مع متحف مع مرافق الحمام. يمكن رؤية لافتة تقدم المعلومات الضرورية المتعلقة بالمكان. يمكن الوصول إلى الموقع بسهولة من خلال طريق معبدة. تلتقط هذه المدينة المهجورة التاريخ القديم الذي سبق إسلام النبي محمد (صلى الله عليه وسلم) ، وإذا كنت من عشاق التاريخ ، فعليك بالتأكيد أن تقوم بزيارتها.

نوع الوجهة
منطقة الجمال الطبيعي
موقع تاريخي
معلم معروف


Madyan، تبوك ، البدع السعودية


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Akmal Raza

Akmal Raza

04/11/2024 05:27

مراجعة جوجل

Madyan area - Magha’er Shoaib(AS) is a historical place, there is a museum at the entrance that has a decent amount of information. There are two main historical sites in Madyan:- 1). Maghyar Shoaib (AS) - It is said that at this place Shoaib (AS) and his nation lived. There are homes, graves and tomb carved in to mountains which are still visible. 2). The Well of Musa (AS) - Allah knows best. There is a well, It is said that this is the well where Musa (AS) helped two women to take water from the well. The place is known as Madyan in the Al-Bidaa region in the northwest of the Kingdom and one of the important cities on the trade route that connects the northwest of the island with the Levant, Egypt and Palestine in the era of the kingdoms of Dadan, Lihyan and the Nabataeans, and after the emergence of Islam it became a meeting point for pilgrimage routes. Today, it is within the territory of the NEOM project to introduce and benefit from all the archaeological and heritage components available on the site. Al-Bidaa is the only place that continued to bear the name of Madyan before and after Islam. They are mass graves carved into a mountainous formation similar to the facades of the Nabataean tombs in Mada'in Saleh and Madyan, known as the Mughars of Shoaib (AS) among the ancient Egyptians. Pilgrims in the Middle Islamic Ages. Some thought that it belonged to the people of Shuaib (AS) , and there is no evidence yet linking the graves between Shuaib (AS) and his people.
Uccello Tours

Uccello Tours

03/04/2024 07:54

مراجعة جوجل

Al Bada, also known as Madiyan, holds profound historical and religious significance as the "Land of Prophets." Located in the Arabian Peninsula, this region is steeped in the narratives of various revered prophets in Islam. Its sacred soil is said to have been traversed by figures like Prophet Shuaib, known as Jethro in Judeo-Christian traditions, who played a pivotal role in guiding his people towards righteousness. Al Bada/Madiyan, nestled within the vast deserts, is associated with tales of moral guidance, justice, and divine intervention. The Quran highlights the stories of the people of Madiyan, emphasizing the lessons to be gleaned from their experiences. Prophet Shuaib's teachings, focused on ethical conduct and monotheism, resonate throughout this ancient land. The geographical features of Al Bada/Madiyan, marked by arid landscapes and rugged terrains, serve as a backdrop to the spiritual narratives etched into the region's history. Pilgrims and believers often visit these sacred grounds, seeking a connection with the prophetic legacy and drawing inspiration from the tales of resilience and faith that unfolded in this hallowed land. Al Bada/Madiyan stands as a testament to the enduring impact of prophetic teachings on the cultural and spiritual heritage of the Islamic world.
Sylvia Kriel

Sylvia Kriel

12/21/2023 17:21

مراجعة جوجل

One could understand why the area had been occupied through the ages. Creating living areas out of the sand, with an amazing view of the valley. This must have been the ideal place
Jobin George

Jobin George

11/28/2023 18:39

مراجعة جوجل

If you would to go to historical place , you can visit here.. otherwise it will be boring place for you. Could see how the ancient tomb were built to bury people
Raees Unnisa

Raees Unnisa

11/18/2023 06:56

مراجعة جوجل

Archaeological, historical, and sacred site. This location holds great historical and Islamic significance. Known by another name, Mugha'ir Shu'ayb, it is situated in the Al-Bad town, the ancient city of Madyan. Despite having some of the most exquisite massive tombs reminiscent of the old Nabatean kingdom's architecture, it is still mostly unknown.
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