المنطقة الشرقية بارك

حديقة جواثا - الهفوف - المنطقة الشرقية



تقع حديقة جواثا على بعد حوالي 12 كم شمال غرب الهفوف ، في قرية الكيلابية بالمملكة العربية السعودية ، وهي من أكثر الأماكن إثارة للاهتمام في الهفوف. في وسط الحديقة توجد بحيرة محاطة بممرات وحدائق نخيل وعشب أخضر ومطاعم. على الجانب الأيمن من المدخل الرئيسي ، سيجد الزوار مسجد الجوتة التاريخي الذي يعد من أقدم المساجد في المملكة العربية السعودية ومتحفًا صغيرًا يعرض تاريخ المملكة.


إنها مدينة ملاهي رائعة يمكنك زيارتها مع الأصدقاء والعائلة لأنها منطقة صديقة للأطفال تتمتع بأمن مناسب. يمكنك المشاركة في العديد من الأنشطة الترفيهية بما في ذلك ركوب القوارب ومشاهدة الطيور في البحيرة. ومع ذلك ، فإن رحلة القارب قصيرة جدًا لأن البحيرة نفسها ليست كبيرة. تجذب البحيرة أيضًا جميع أنواع الطيور الغريبة والمحلية مما يجعلها مكانًا مثاليًا لمشاهدة الطيور والتصوير الفوتوغرافي. يوجد أيضًا العديد من المقاهي وأكشاك الطعام والمقاهي حيث ستجد كل شيء من الوجبات الخفيفة والآيس كريم إلى الوجبات الكاملة والمشروبات الغازية.

يمكن العثور على ترتيبات الجلوس بجوار الممرات ، جنبًا إلى جنب مع مرحاض جيد. بخلاف ذلك ، تحتوي الحديقة على حديقة زهور وحديقة حيوانات صغيرة ، حيث سترى حيوانات مختلفة بما في ذلك الجمال والأرانب. في عطلات نهاية الأسبوع ، يمكن أن تكون الحديقة مزدحمة للغاية حيث تتدفق العائلات نحو الحديقة للنزهات ومواعيد اللعب للأطفال.

نوع الوجهة
معلم معروف


حديقة جواثا ، جواثا السعودية


من :عدد التقييمات
جيد جدا
Customer service
Value for money
Nars Salie

Nars Salie

11/29/2021 20:31

مراجعة جوجل

It’s the Winter Wonderland of Al Hassa ? I enjoyed the Ferris wheel ride, and strolling the whole park with that vintage car. This place will bring family and friends together, enjoying the views, games, eating at the picnic mat or bench scattered in the whole area ??? going back again before Christmas ?
Yasir Arefin

Yasir Arefin

09/30/2021 15:55

مراجعة جوجل

Nice environment. Family friendly. Apparently the biggest oasis in Saudi but Riyadh has bigger ponds than this. Bring kids and family to enjoy the evening time beside the lake.


09/22/2021 09:35

مراجعة جوجل

beautiful and clean lake with karting, paintball, boating etc. And also amusement park for kids. It will be better to go before night to enjoy the beauty. There will be food courts and cafeteria. Best for picnic. PRICE = 10 riyal per person. for Kids below 5 years are free.


07/24/2021 03:38

مراجعة جوجل

A splendid view of Greenery with Animals grazing by, spot the Mother Nature everywhere with open fields, water body, varieties of Flora and Fauna... Have your picnic spot choose from all the way round and just relax... Enjoy quality time with Family Friends and others. You will get car/bike parking here, charges are less. Security arrangement is good here, If you want to come with your family, there is no any problem. You can come for a picnic or can come for a family visit. You will get some small snacks stall, tea/coffee stalls, . There is good toilet facility inside the park. It’s an ideal place for children ,there are some small rides for the children. There is a wide spread lake inside the park ,,, ride also for which you have to buy tickets. Through the beautiful walkways surrounding the lake , you can enjoy a lovely walking with your loved ones on this walkway. There are sitting arrangements beside the walkways The environment is calm, lovely, have a great natural beauty full with greenery . Good place for photography, bird watching. The lake is a big attraction due to which many types of birds come here. You can enjoy a whole day here with your family. There is a small zoo inside the park where you will find camel , rabbit etc. Also, a flower garden beside the zoo. The park is widely spread. You can go for picnic here for that there is many picnic spots inside the park. Overall a lovely, quiet place for a day outing.
Erick Villabroza

Erick Villabroza

07/24/2021 03:38

مراجعة جوجل

A splendid view of Greenery with Animals grazing by, spot the Mother Nature everywhere with open fields, water body, varieties of Flora and Fauna... Have your picnic spot choose from all the way round and just relax... Enjoy quality time with Family Friends and others. You will get car/bike parking here, charges are less. Security arrangement is good here, If you want to come with your family, there is no any problem. You can come for a picnic or can come for a family visit. You will get some small snacks stall, tea/coffee stalls, . There is good toilet facility inside the park. It’s an ideal place for children ,there are some small rides for the children. There is a wide spread lake inside the park ,,, ride also for which you have to buy tickets. Through the beautiful walkways surrounding the lake , you can enjoy a lovely walking with your loved ones on this walkway. There are sitting arrangements beside the walkways The environment is calm, lovely, have a great natural beauty full with greenery . Good place for photography, bird watching. The lake is a big attraction due to which many types of birds come here. You can enjoy a whole day here with your family. There is a small zoo inside the park where you will find camel , rabbit etc. Also, a flower garden beside the zoo. The park is widely spread. You can go for picnic here for that there is many picnic spots inside the park. Overall a lovely, quiet place for a day outing.
عرض 11 - 15 19 الكلي
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