الموقع الشرقي ، الموقع التاريخي

جبل القارة - ارض الحضارة - الاحساء



يقع جبل القارة ، المعروف أيضًا باسم "جبل القارة" و "جبل الشعبان" ، في المنطقة الشرقية ، الأحساء ، في المملكة العربية السعودية ، وهو أحد مواقع التراث العالمي لليونسكو.


يشتهر جبل القارة بكهوفه الرائعة والفريدة التي تشكلت نتيجة عملية إذابة الصخور القابلة للذوبان في الماء وانهيار الطبقات الصخرية العلوية نتيجة التآكل والتصدعات الزلزالية.

تشتهر بعض الكهوف في جبل القارة بشكل خاص ، مثل كهف النشاب ، الذي يتميز بدرجات حرارة معتدلة على مدار العام. تُستخدم بعض الكهوف أيضًا لعقد ورش عمل للخزافين التقليديين المحليين. تحتوي الكهوف على 28 ممرًا طوليًا طويلًا يبلغ إجمالي طولها 1.5 كيلومترًا.

ومن أشهر الكهوف في الجبل: بوصالح ، العيد ، النقا ، المعظمة ، الميهوب. يحب السكان المحليون والسياح الزيارة للاستمتاع بموقع التراث المذهل والتعرف على التاريخ من خلال استكشاف الكهوف مع المرشدين السياحيين.


جبل القارة السعودية


من :عدد التقييمات
جيد جدا
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Value for money
Mirajul Islam

Mirajul Islam

07/01/2023 14:45

مراجعة جوجل

It's very hot outside. And it is very cold inside the mountain. The heart is filled. You have to buy a ticket to go inside. But I didn't like their system. You have to go in groups. If you go alone or less than 10 people, it costs 57 Rials per person and if you go in a group of more than 10 people, you have to buy a ticket at 35 Rials per person.


03/30/2023 18:46

مراجعة جوجل

It's a really nice place . I visited this place back in 2017 and that time it was not maintained properly and was free entrance. Now it's well maintained and of course they have put entrance fee also ?. For my 11 year old daughter they didn't issue a ticket. For adult price is some 54 riyal or something. It's actually more. But for once it's okey. Near the ticket counter there is toilets and there is some very nice memento shop with Saudi Arabia, al hassa fridge magnets and all.nice shop to buy gifts. U can spend some 1-2 hours inside the cave and outside ( outside only if weather is nice. ) U can click some beautiful pictures inside. Pictures come out so well with the backround. Try to go in weekdays, weekends might be crowded. The whole ambience of the place will go if it's crowded. There are some steps inside so people with baby trollies pls be prepared. If u are clasutrophobic pls don't visit this place.
Noorhan Raafat

Noorhan Raafat

02/11/2023 08:25

مراجعة جوجل

Nice historical place You can enjoy the nature and the Mountain View’s It has a museum and gift shop It also have a small restaurant and coffee place I highly suggest to you to go before sunset and stay there to night time to enjoy all the views You have to be prepared for a lot of walking …….
Shaan Haider

Shaan Haider

11/16/2022 07:51

مراجعة جوجل

This place was pretty unknown few years back and the caves were accessible in their natural form for adventure seekers. Now they have built it as a tourist spot adding lights, some artificial structures, shops etc. So it is now more family friendly and easily accessible but the original charm of the place is lost. The ticket price is also high but still a must visit place if you are in the area
Arshad Iqbal

Arshad Iqbal

08/01/2022 21:02

مراجعة جوجل

The natural landmark in Al Ahsa, Hofuf, area well known for it’s biblical history, and it is called the Judas Cave. It was believed that this cave is where Judas hided after he betrayed Christ. It was an amazing experience ✌?
عرض 6 - 10 19 الكلي
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