الموقع الشرقي ، الموقع التاريخي

جبل القارة - ارض الحضارة - الاحساء



يقع جبل القارة ، المعروف أيضًا باسم "جبل القارة" و "جبل الشعبان" ، في المنطقة الشرقية ، الأحساء ، في المملكة العربية السعودية ، وهو أحد مواقع التراث العالمي لليونسكو.


يشتهر جبل القارة بكهوفه الرائعة والفريدة التي تشكلت نتيجة عملية إذابة الصخور القابلة للذوبان في الماء وانهيار الطبقات الصخرية العلوية نتيجة التآكل والتصدعات الزلزالية.

تشتهر بعض الكهوف في جبل القارة بشكل خاص ، مثل كهف النشاب ، الذي يتميز بدرجات حرارة معتدلة على مدار العام. تُستخدم بعض الكهوف أيضًا لعقد ورش عمل للخزافين التقليديين المحليين. تحتوي الكهوف على 28 ممرًا طوليًا طويلًا يبلغ إجمالي طولها 1.5 كيلومترًا.

ومن أشهر الكهوف في الجبل: بوصالح ، العيد ، النقا ، المعظمة ، الميهوب. يحب السكان المحليون والسياح الزيارة للاستمتاع بموقع التراث المذهل والتعرف على التاريخ من خلال استكشاف الكهوف مع المرشدين السياحيين.


جبل القارة السعودية


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John Pilz (Mr Pilz)

John Pilz (Mr Pilz)

01/15/2024 21:03

مراجعة جوجل

There’s a mountain and there are caves. It is beautiful, and the place is well lit. Enter the areas further beyond the prescribed path at your own peril. Beware of its beauty and complexity if you decide to traverse further into the darkness of the cave.
John Pilz

John Pilz

01/15/2024 21:03

مراجعة جوجل

There’s a mountain and there are caves. It is beautiful, and the place is well lit. Enter the areas further beyond the prescribed path at your own peril. Beware of its beauty and complexity if you decide to traverse further into the darkness of the cave.
Lessya Kotovskaya

Lessya Kotovskaya

01/10/2024 11:54

مراجعة جوجل

The Jabal Al Qarah Caves, located approximately 13 km east of Al Hofuf, Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia, are an intricate cave system developed in the calcareous sandstone, marl and clay of the Upper Miocene to Lower Pliocene Hofuf Formation. Physiographically, the hill of Jabal Al Qarah is an outlier mesa that is located at the eastern edge of the Shedgum Plateau, the southern extension of the As Summan Plateau, and the larger Syrian Plateau to the north. Based on cave morphology and interpreted evolutionary history, the Jabal Al Qarah caves appear to be significantly different from other limestone caves reported in the As Summan Plateau. Jabal Al Qarah is known for its tall, linear cave passages and narrow canyons. The boxwork of linear passages is better developed here than any other known cave locations in the Eastern Province. Field observations, including orientations of the escarpment face of the Shedgum Plateau, joints, and fractures, coupled with a review of the tectonic history of the region, suggest that these caves resulted from erosional enlargement of a series of very deep and narrow joint-controlled fissures in the Hofuf Formation. Petrographic data, especially an abundance of wellpreserved palygorskite type clay minerals, suggests that the Hofuf Formation was deposited in a mudflat-dominated coastal plain environment.
Shahin Pookotil

Shahin Pookotil

12/24/2023 11:33

مراجعة جوجل

Al Qarah Mountain is a fascinating natural landmark with unique geological features. The cave system within the mountain adds an element of mystery and intrigue to the overall experience. The site offers a picturesque landscape, and the panoramic views from the top are breathtaking. Exploring the caves and rock formations provides an opportunity to appreciate the region's natural beauty and historical significance. Visitors should be prepared for a bit of hiking, but the reward is well worth the effort. Overall, Al Qarah Mountain is a must-visit destination for nature enthusiasts and those interested in geological wonders.
Nabil Kamas

Nabil Kamas

12/10/2023 13:04

مراجعة جوجل

Amazing attraction. Definitely a must see. It is at least a half day visit. The main attraction is the Qarah cave. It is a wonder of nature. Cold during the summer and warm during the winter. There are scheduled hikes and sometimes there are even hikes to the top of the cliffs. There are restaurants and cafés at the entrance. Inside the cave there is a professional photographer that will take amazing pictures and you can buy them at the studio on your way out where they can make portraits, fridge magnets, or other photo products for your photos.
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