محافظة المدينة المنورة ، التاريخ الإسلامي

بئر الشفاء - محافظة المدينة المنورة - بئر الشفاء



تعتبر بئر بئر الشفاء والمعروفة أيضًا باسم (بئر الشفاء) من أشهر الآبار في التاريخ الإسلامي. يقع على بعد ساعة واحدة بالسيارة من المدينة المنورة من المدينة المنورة. وذكرت أن هذا البئر تم حفره في الأصل لمساعدة الحجاج المسلمين الذين يسافرون للحج والعمرة ويحتاجون الماء في رحلتهم.

ومع ذلك ، كانت مياهها مريرة ومالحة وكثيرا ما تصيب الناس بالمرض. يذكر أن الرسول الكريم صلى الله عليه وسلم أبلغ عن مرارة الماء وطبيعته غير الصحية. وضع لعابه المبارك في الماء وبعد ذلك أصبحت طبيعة الماء حلوة وصحية بإذن الله. لا يزال بإمكان الزوار اليوم زيارة هذا البئر الواقع قبالة الطريق السريع الرئيسي وتذوق حلاوة هذه المياه لأنفسهم. قد تكون مهتمًا أيضًا بزيارة بئر غرس وبئر Ethiq وكلاهما يقعان في المدينة المنورة.

نوع الوجهة
موقع تاريخي
التاريخ الإسلامي
معلم معروف


بئر الشفاء السعودية


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mohammed sohail

mohammed sohail

12/24/2023 13:23

مراجعة جوجل

There was a time in history when Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was passing by the village with his people and halted to consume water from this well. The villagers stopped them from drinking the well’s water as it was poisonous. At that instance, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) spat into the well and announced that the well was no more toxic and its water was fit for consumption. Shifa of Aab-e-Shifa ‘Aab’ is synonymous with water, and ‘Shifa’ means to have healing properties or to be able to heal. Aab-e-Shifa is said to have amazing healing powers. People believe that Aab-e-Shifa can heal illnesses of all kinds. Those who fed the water to their sick animals observed the animals becoming healthier. People who had consumed the well water turned healthy and kept coming back to Beer-e-Shifa. They also reserved the water for future purposes. According to locals, the water is extremely pure and is free from any pollutants, even today. The water is said to be rich in calcium, keeping those who drink it active and zealous. The healing powers of the well can heal any pain and health flaws.
Zaka Uddin

Zaka Uddin

12/05/2023 09:02

مراجعة جوجل

Part of spiritual enlightenment. Is some good drive outside Madina. A sort of remote place, come early in the day or at least during day time.
Jameel Bashir

Jameel Bashir

10/26/2023 21:07

مراجعة جوجل

The mosque adjacent to the well is worth seeing. To drink water or take water from here is a struggle as you will see there is no discipline of any sort existing. If you are using a tour bus go earliest and you will see less of chaos and if you are using your own car go early. Beautiful drive but beware of hidden cams.
Shafa Aijaz

Shafa Aijaz

10/22/2023 11:43

مراجعة جوجل

On our visit to Ghars Well on October 19th, we noticed it was pleasantly uncrowded. For safety, a metal grill encases the well. Although there are 4-5 taps available, the water supply from the well is currently cut off, leaving the taps non-operational.
Arifullah Hussaini

Arifullah Hussaini

10/10/2023 11:58

مراجعة جوجل

The water is sweet and has calming effects. It is said that nearly 70 prophets drank from that well, and RasulAllah sallal lahu alaihi wa sallam mixed his saliva in the well, and it has healing properties.
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